Eckert Chiropractic Center Blog

The Uses of Electrical Muscle Stimulation in Oak Ridge TN

The Uses of Electrical Muscle Stimulation in Oak Ridge TN

The Uses of Electrical Muscle Stimulation in Oak Ridge TN Play Video If you’re wondering if you should visit a chiropractor in Oak Ridge, TN, then it may help to know that these doctors can do more than improve your spinal alignment. Watch this video to see how one treatment method employed by chiropractors, called…

Understanding What Causes Whiplash in Oak Ridge TN

Understanding What Causes Whiplash in Oak Ridge TN

What Causes Whiplash in Oak Ridge TN? While whiplash can result from a range of causes, the forces involved in a vehicle collision are the most frequent culprit. If you’ve recently suffered a car accident injury near Oak Ridge, TN, then continue reading to learn how these crashes often lead to whiplash. whiplash – pain…

Common Back Injuries in Children After Car Accidents in Oak Ridge, TN

Common Back Injuries in Children After Car Accidents in Oak Ridge, TN

Common Back Injuries in Children After Car Accidents in Oak Ridge TN A car accident-even a minor one-can inflict damage on any part of the body. Children are particularly vulnerable to car accident injuries, but they might not be able to articulate their symptoms as well as adults can. That’s why it’s always a good…

A Closer Look at Migraines in Oak Ridge, TN

A Closer Look at Migraines in Oak Ridge, TN

A Closer Look at Migraines in Oak Ridge TN Play Video Migraines are far more severe than an average headache, although chiropractors in Oak Ridge TN, can help patients with either of these problems. Migraines are disorders of the central nervous system (CNS) that can last for several days and involve many symptoms other than…

A Guide to Checking Your Child for Scoliosis Symptoms in Oak Ridge, TN

A Guide to Checking Your Child for Scoliosis Symptoms in Oak Ridge, TN

A Guide to Checking Your Child for Scoliosis Symptoms in Oak RIdge TN Normally, the spine curves gently from front to back, not from side to side. A person who has atypical sideways curvatures can be diagnosed with scoliosis, an orthopedic condition of the spine that can range from mild to severe. Children in Oak…

The Benefits of Keeping a Headache Journal in Oak Ridge, TN

The Benefits of Keeping a Headache Journal in Oak Ridge, TN

The Benefits of Keeping a Headache Journal in Oak RIdge TN Many chiropractors recommend keeping a headache journal if you suffer from persistent migraines or other headaches. Keeping a written record of your symptoms is a simple way to prepare for your appointment with a chiropractor in Oak Ridge TN, and stay on top of…