Eckert Chiropractic Center Blog
Taking Control of Tension Headaches in Oak Ridge, TN
Tension Headaches in Oak Ridge TN If you’ve been feeling a band of pressure around your forehead, you may have a tension headache. Consider visiting a chiropractor to discuss your symptoms and your lifestyle, and to receive effective chiropractic care in Oak Ridge TN. Tension headaches are notorious for causing severe symptoms that can adversely…
Healing After Sports Injuries with Chiropractic Care in Oak Ridge, TN
Healing After Sports Injuries with Chiropractic Care in aok ridge tn Many athletes deal with sports injuries by taking painkillers and waiting for the problem to resolve itself. Unfortunately, pain relievers only hide the symptoms of the injury. To heal the injury itself, a visit to a chiropractor is in order. At an office of…
What You Need to Know About Post-Accident Neck Injuries in Oak Ridge, TN
What You Need to Know About Post-Accident Neck Injuries in Oak Ridge TN The neck is a particularly vulnerable part of the body. When a car is struck, the force of the impact pushes the head violently in one direction and then the opposite direction. Consequently, the movement of the head causes hyperextension of the…
Recognizing the Signs of Scoliosis in Your Child in Oak Ridge, TN
Recognizing the Signs of Scoliosis in Your Child in Oak Ridge TN Play Video When you bring your child to a chiropractor serving Oak Ridge TN, he or she can perform a comprehensive health evaluation. Occasionally, a general evaluation will reveal a structural problem such as scoliosis, which refers to the abnormal sideways curvature of…
Step to Take if Your Child Is Injured in a Car Accident in Oak Ridge, TN
Step to Take if Your Child Is Injured in a Car Accident in Oak Ridge TN No one enjoys the thought of being involved in a car accident. But when a child is in the car, a collision is truly terrifying. A car accident can cause a range of physical and psychological injuries, ranging from…
How Chiropractic Care Benefits Young Patients in Oak Ridge, TN
How Chiropractic Care Benefits Young Patients in Oak Ridge TN It’s a common misconception that only adults require chiropractic care. In fact, patients of all ages can benefit from receiving care from a chiropractor serving Oak Ridge TN. A child’s spine can suffer the effects of stressors as early as infancy. During labor and delivery,…